Rossman monitorarm Dataflex

Sought, found!

Offering quality at reasonable prices and sustainable products for everyone: Rossmann has been pursuing this approach from the very beginning. The company was looking for like-minded partners to equip flexible workstations in its Management department...

Since it was founded in Hanover in 1972, Dirk Rossmann GmbH has been one of the largest drugstore chains in Europe. The owner-managed, internationally operating family company employs 56,300 people in Europe across a total of 4,244 branches. In Germany, about 33,400 employees work in 2,233 drugstores.

From the very beginning, sustainability has played a key role for Rossmann. Thus, in addition to considering all facets of social responsibility, the company strategy focuses on the sustainable design of products and packaging.

This alone could have been the reason why Rossmann chose Dataflex to equip 80 flexible workstations in the Logistics Management department with monitor arms and laptop holders. After all, the supplier of ergonomic accessories for computer workstations also attaches great importance to a healthy and sustainable business, and is also concerned with paying close attention to the human aspects at every level of its supply chain. But beyond these crucial basic requirements, the fact that Dataflex’s products, service and philosophy fully met Rossmann’s expectations was equally important.

“The monitor arms in the Viewprime series from Dataflex offer excellent adjustment possibilities. They fit perfectly with our acoustic add-on elements and help to avoid loss of depth,” explains Sebastian Dose, Senior Logistics Expert at Dirk Rossmann GmbH.

“What’s more, the laptop mounts in the Viewlite family help our colleagues to always complete their tasks at the appropriate height and from the right viewing distance.” Especially during video meetings, they allow Rossmann employees to work comfortably since they can adjust the mounts to suit them individually.

“Following the consultation, we were able to test the Dataflex products for a while, which helped us greatly in reaching our decision.”

- Sebastian Dose, Senior Logistics Expert at Dirk Rossmann GmbH


In fact, screens can be adjusted exactly to the user’s needs thanks to Viewprime and, what’s more, are made for wearers of varifocals. Thanks to the pivot function, the screens can be oriented upright and this makes it easier to work on Excel spreadsheets. The monitor arm – which is suitable for screens up to 32 inches – can be mounted quickly and easily thanks to quick-release fasteners and is adjustable without tools. A 180-degree lock can be activated, which prevents the screen from hitting the wall.

Sebastian Dose is extremely pleased with the service. “The advice given by Mr Meyer from Dataflex was detailed, competent and proved to be a welcome support,” he recalls. “Afterwards, we were able to test some models for a while, which helped us to reach our final decision.” “The Rossmann Logistics Management department has embraced a Clean Desk mentality – that means the table surfaces should be completely free if possible, which is why laptop holders were also used, among other things.

In addition, there should be almost no visible cables on the workstations,” explains Lukas Meyer, Account Manager at Dataflex and project coordinator, describing Rossmann’s requirements. “All of this is essential for an ergonomic, motivating working environment and is therefore also in line with our ethos. Only those who feel good at work can perform to the best of their abilities. We call it: Feeling at work.”

“Our customers are always pleased with modern, high-quality Dataflex products, which the company guarantees for up to 15 years.”

- Laura Müller, Sales and Marketing Manager at BComplete Hannover by Jürgen Müller


The Rossmann project was completed by Jürgen Müller, Managing Director of BComplete Hannover by Jürgen Müller, a company specialising in office and contract furnishings, as well as designing modern working environments. As part of holistic, ergonomic solutions, BComplete offers everything for contemporary ways of working – from sit/stand workstations, lighting and acoustic concepts, through to conference, meeting and central zones. Jürgen Müller has been working with Dataflex for eight years now. At that time, he followed the recommendations shared by ergonomics experts at the Institute for Health and Ergonomics (IGR) in Nuremberg.

“Our cooperation with Dataflex is characterised by utter professionalism and the company’s future-oriented view. We can always rely on all the competent field and office staff,” explains Mr Müller. “The modern, high-quality Dataflex products – for which the company offers a guarantee of up to 15 years – are equally impressive,” adds his daughter, Laura Müller, who is set to take over the company.

“The customer is always pleased with these products.” Sebastian Dose is certainly satisfied: “The swivel arms and laptop holders have been really well received in our Logistics Management department,” he says in summary.

“Only those who feel good at work can perform to the best of their abilities. At Dataflex, we call this: Feeling at work.”

- Lukas Meyer, Dataflex Account Manager and project coordinator

Article published in FACTS magazine