Trees for all plastics

Sustainability stories:


As a company we work with sustainability and transparency as a core value of our business. We are committed to do things right and are constantly aiming to find new ways to improve.

Doing business in a sustainable way includes using resources carefully and looking into the impact that our daily business has on the environment.

In the past we took further steps following this thought, such as switching to renewable energy in our HQ, replacing a large percentage of our company cars to electric ones, banning all Styrofoam from our packaging, offering a return program and rethinking our product design. We are embedding sustainability on every level of our business but are also aware of steps that we still want and need to take.

During Plastic Free July, the whole Dataflex team joined the challenge to avoid single-use plastics such as single-use plastic bottles, plastic bags and plastic straws etc. for a month (and hopefully not only for a month). Beside individual efforts to contain the rising plastic problem, we are also taking further steps on a company level.

Right now, we are busy redesigning our product packaging to further phase out all single-use plastics from our packaging. We are also very happy to announce that we will soon introduce our newest product line which is made from 100% recycled Polypropylene, diverting this material from landfills and oceans. Making sure that we not only make a good product, but make a dent in the growing plastic waste problem at the same time!

Keep your eyes open!
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